A Picture Paints 1,000 Words

Marlenea La Shomb, ND
September-October 2018 • Vol 3, No 100

In life I have found keeping it simple and finding what works best for you are most beneficial when working to move forward through challenging situations, whether mental, emotional, or physical, since they are all tied together with one affecting the other.

Over the years, I have met some people with a very strong sense of smell and taste, disliking pure essential oils. For that very reason, they can also have a dislike for stronger tasting foods, like raw garlic, onions, lemon, ginger, cayenne or turmeric, herbs and herbal remedies (tinctures), teas and have never gotten used to the benefits due to the taste. Adding to that, some cannot swallow tablets or capsules, making me wonder, what can I recommend to these people that they will actually take?

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