It’s Beyond Our Fondest Dreams!
David Lundberg
September-October 2019 • Vol 3, No 106
My belief in an afterlife began at a young age and was strengthened at age 20 when a radiant sun appeared before me. I then knew there was something more, beyond our Earth life, that awaited us. In the last several years, I set out to discover what else I could find on the afterlife, deciding to research in depth various descriptions about it. I learned a lot, and can only conclude that Paradise is most definitely real. Souls who live there report that it’s important for everyone to have a greater awareness of the varying experiences that await us after we leave the Earth.
Another name for Paradise is the “Summerland.” It has also been called, depending on the source, the “upper astral plane” or the “lower etheric octave.” It is an environment of great loveliness, more beautiful than Earth. There are also countless reports of “higher realms” beyond the Paradise level, even more beautiful, joy-filled, and peaceful.