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Kim Shotola
Nov – Dec 2021 • Vol 3, No 118

Animals are on a quest to awaken and enlighten your heart and soul connection. Animals have been watching your soul since before you were born—the animals with you now, animals from your past, animals in spirit, the wild animals and the animal essences (also referred to as guides or totems) are all here to help you become what they already envision.

What do they wish for you and the rest of humanity? A world where you understand animals and people on a heart and soul level. A world where you embrace, utilize and share the messages and gifts from the animals, nature and Mother Earth. The animals are a window to your soul and a doorway to your spiritual destiny. If you let them into your life and allow them to teach you, you will be better for it. The animals can show you the present, help you learn from the past and propel you to your future. They can help heal you on a body, mind and spirit level. The animals can reveal your soul path to align with and ignite your true soul purpose. They are here on a mission far greater than most realize.

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