Looking at the Inner Truth When the Inklings of Disturbance Manifest
Connie Myslik-McFadden
May-June 2017 • Vol 3, No 92
Dear Connie,
I seem to be lurching from one crisis to another. I rear-ended someone last month, and the cost to repair my car was much more than our insurance will cover. I’m dealing with an injury to my neck, which is painful and is taking time and money to heal. The company I work for is going through major changes and I’m in danger of losing the position I’ve had for nine years. On top of that, our four-year-old Husky got out of our fenced yard last week and we haven’t seen her since. I feel exhausted and overwhelmed. Can you help?
Sincerely, —Sheila
Dear Sheila,
I’m sorry you’ve had so many crises in such a short period of time! Your feelings of exhaustion and overwhelm seem quite normal given what you’re going through. I will try to give you a spiritual perspective on these crises, which may make them easier to deal with.