Live Blessed by Heaven Daily as You Embrace These Iconic Guidelines
David Christopher Lewis
March – April 2023 • Vol 4, No 3
We’ve all heard of the Ten Commandments given to Moses on the mount. Originally, there were fewer commandments and, of course, the more commandments there are, the more we have to keep. Yet, the original, one commandment was to love God with our entire being. If we simply do that and follow the Golden Rule, we will fulfill the law and manifest our divinity. So, what other commandments do we really require?
We’d like to offer for consideration The Hearts Center’s New Aquarian Ten Commandments, along with a brief explanation for each one.
I. Love and praise God with your entire being!
We love God with our whole heart, mind, strength and soul, and praise God through song, chant, affirmation and power prayers.
II. Radically forgive everyone for everything!
True and complete forgiveness releases us from karmic entanglements. Forgiving self and other is a dynamic spiritual practice that gets us right with God.
III. Pray and sing your prayers joyfully without ceasing!
Continuous joyous prayer and devotion seals our aura in divine light. Raising our voice to acknowledge and reverence God secures our divine estate in heaven.
IV. Serve and give selflessly every day!
Dedicated giving of Self impels us to be a co-creator with God. To advance, evolve and grow in grace, be a humble servant-leader sharing love to all.
V. Keep your harmony and avoid reactivity.
God-mastery occurs through remaining in a unity field of peaceful presence. Nonjudgment of others allows us to enjoy the life God intended for us.
VI. Avoid all gossip, maintain a happy disposition, and don’t complain about anything.
A heightened attitude of gratitude expands our heart and keeps us secure in the light. Righteous speech aligns us with the Logos, the Word of God in our Christic Self.
VII. Keep positive, compliment, bless, and encourage everyone.
Holding others in the light of their immaculate nature helps them to be their best. Our own aura shines brilliantly when the Holy Spirit moves through us to bless all life.
VIII. Be kind to all life forms, including yourself.
Loving-kindness quells violence and stymies war. The peaceable kingdom upon Earth is established by Compassion’s sacred touch.
IX. Follow the Golden Rule.
This one divine law is the maxim of planetary brotherhood/sisterhood. All past conflicts are resolved by following the voice and example of the Christ within.
X. Obey your Inner Guide and Guardian Angel immediately.
Our conscience is our sure guide to Self-mastery and perfection. God has provided us with an invisible protector, who is always watching over us.
I am imagining now—and I hope that you can see in your higher mind’s eye—a new world, an Aquarian world, where all of these New Aquarian Ten Commandments are honored and obeyed. Imagine, if every man, woman and child did so, we would have a divine world!
We have envisioned many, many aspects of what