What to Look for and What to Stay Away From
Michele Lewis, CFSP
May – June 2023 • Vol 4, No 4
With the coming warmer weather, and with local real estate prices starting to come down, many folks who have been dreaming about moving into a new home are now seriously starting to look at houses and property. I have been asked many times, “What should I look for and what should I stay away from?” The first thing I will tell you is: location, location, location!
The location of your home can have great impact on the quality of daily life. Streets and roads are an important consideration as they direct qi with their patterns. Most importantly, look for streets that have moderate traffic flow. If the cars “whiz” by, so does the energy, and it will not distribute well to the buildings located there. If there is very little or no traffic at all, this could indicate a lack of qi flow, although this is not always the case. Streets and areas of housing that have good flow will feel welcoming and active. Those who live there will be happy and content, and this will show in the care given to their homes and surrounding yards.
What about “dead end” streets? Some individuals want and like the seclusion, privacy, and quiet these provide. You will have to evaluate how a particular street feels to you. If there is an adequate flow of positive qi, the prior/current residents will have prospered there. The one residence that will most likely not thrive in this location is the building at the end in a direct line with the road as it will be subject to an unnecessary energy pounding. I personally would not care to live on a road that has a posted “Dead End” street sign. The daily message to you and your neighbors is just that—life is a dead end. Not a pleasant thought to be faced with every day!
Another street configuration to consider when purchasing a home is the cul-de-sac. These are roads that have only one entrance/ exit and are circular in shape. Because there is only one open end, it is more difficult to get the qi to enter and then flow well. A good example of this is when you only open one window in your car. There is limited air coming in, but if you even just crack another window you get a much better flow—it’s simple physics. Even with an adequate qi entering the cul-de-sac, the energy can vary in its flow based on the size of the cul-de-sac and the number of residences that the qi must be distributed to. Many cul-de-sacs will cause the qi to spin around too quickly and will not distribute it very well. Some buildings may get too much and others will get too little. Avoid the two sites at opposite sides of the entrance.
If there are apartments or other multi-family dwellings, this situation is even worse. There are too many people, but there’s not enough qi to go around. Someone is going to end up with very little energy nourishing their homes and lives. The opposite happens to the building in a direct line from the entrance of the road; the building and its occupants get a direct hit of negative energy every time someone drives into the cul-de-sac, especially if that home is the destination.
The other type of street that can be problematic is a “T” intersection, where the building is located at the top of the “T.” In this case, the traffic and qi are being directed into the building or dwelling “head-on.” The energetic force of qi can cause multiple problems for the occupants. It is also very disconcerting at night to have headlights aimed directly through your windows and at your doors. This energy is known as the “Eyes of the Tiger” and can be a negative, aggressive energy. (This also applies to houses located on the corner where oncoming cars turn left or right). There are “cures” that can be applied in this scenario, but the “T” location is best avoided.
Avoid any area near power stations/transformers, TV/radio/cell phone transmitting towers, and other sources of electromagnetic energy. Numerous studies have shown that proximity to these sources of energy may contribute to ill health and can