Michele Lewis, CFSP
November – December 2024 • Vol 4, No 13
Dear Michele,
Summer is long gone, fall is passing quickly… Is there anything I can do for myself or in my environment to help balance this out and allow me to accept the inevitable season change and the coming cold weather?
—Blue About Winter Coming
Dear Blue:
What you are experiencing is more common than you think. As summer passes into fall and then to winter, nature is transitioning from the yang months of spring and summer to the yin months of fall and winter. This transition can be felt even before the autumnal equinox and becomes more apparent in how we feel as we really move into the yin cycle. The increase in yin energy manifests as less and less light; the days are continuing to get shorter and will do so until Winter Solstice, December 21. We feel this in our bodies and emotions. The organ associated with fall is the lungs, and the emotion is sadness. If our bodies or environments are not balanced, we will feel this emotion on a greater scale.
So, what can you do? From a Feng Shui perspective, the area of the bagua that aligns with fall and the lungs is the NW sector of children and creativity. As the yin months progress, it is time for us to move more inward and do something to nurture ourselves and our inner child. The I Ching trigram is tui, its feeling being joyful and pleasurable. This is the time to do things that will bring you inner joy and boost your sense of creativity. Try taking classes where you are making or building things with your hands: cooking, painting, sculpture, or anything that makes you feel true happiness inside.
You can also enhance the NW area of your home, office, or any room with new artwork or anything that gives you a lift. The element is metal, so try bringing in a new piece of furniture or sculpture made of metal. You can also use the color white—maybe some new slipcovers, an art deco object, or something else with white in it.
Here is an easy Qigong exercise that will help clear the lungs and dissipate feelings of sadness. It is effective any time to help clear a feeling of heaviness and bring new energy into the lungs and body; it is particularly effective during the fall months and the weeks approaching Winter Solstice.
Stand with your feet about a foot apart, legs and knees relaxed. Make a fist with your hands, thumbs outside. Swing your arms/hands down past your side—knees bent slightly as you swing your arms—inhaling twice through the nostrils. Swing your cupped hands to just above the lungs, right under the collarbone and tap, exhaling through your mouth. Repeat this arm-swing and breathing pattern 39 times. You can also visualize your lungs enfolded in moist, billowy white clouds.
The final months of autumn are a time of joyful creativity. Don’t be blue… enjoy this time of harvest and transition!
Trained in China and the US, Michele Lewis is a Certified Feng Shui Consultant and has been a Feng Shui professional since 1998. She is available for consultations on-site or via phone. By using the timeless principles of the art and science of Feng Shui, Michele can help you bring balance and beauty to every aspect of your life. She is also a Certified Qigong Instructor of Ling Gui Healing Qigong School, Liu Dong’s Method. Michele Lewis can be reached at 406-224-0803, or at