Let’s Celebrate All that We Are Thankful For!

Michele Lewis, CFSP
November – December 2022 • Vol 4, No 1

One of the most beloved of American holidays—Thanksgiving—is a time to celebrate all that we are thankful for: family and friends, freedom to express ourselves and pursue our dreams, and all of the comforts, great and small, which many around the world do not enjoy.

The expressing of gratitude and the simple act of feeling grateful can generate much good qi around you and in your environment. Appreciation for what we have and what others bring to our lives can only enhance positive energy. This positive qi permeates our thoughts and feelings as well as our living and work environments—to create and magnetize more of its kind.

This Thanksgiving holiday, take a few moments to think about and jot down all that you are grateful for, from the littlest graces in your life to the really “big ones.” This process opens us to greater wealth and abundance both in our pocketbooks as well as our lives.

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