Discovering the Life You Long to Live

Robyn Bridges
November-December 2020 • Vol 3, No 112

We live in such extraordinarily hard times! With the advent of Covid-19, fear is rampant, masks and distancing are mandated, and many are experiencing sorely diminished income and travel restrictions. Wild natural phenomena—floods, fires and hurricanes—are destroying homes and displacing animals and lives. It seems we are beset on all sides by seemingly endless wars and famine in the world, and by civil and political unrest and divisions. It’s such a challenge to find peace amidst all this chaos!

We each have a sacred task during this time, and it’s up to us to recognize it and take action. We can all serve others as we access loving responses to stress, stay in the present moment, and speak with conscious awareness. In addition, there are those who, if not caught in trauma-shock, are feeling called to engage in the world as never before. Some forge ahead on the front lines of social justice.

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