“The Gourmet Herbalist”
Marlenea La Shomb, N.D., LMT
January–February 2019 • Vol 3, No 102
Beautiful by nature, roses delight the senses: visual, touch, scent and taste. Yes, taste! This edible flower is used as oils, essences and food. Organic, wild-crafted rose petals can be put in salads, and in side dishes. Yet roses are best known for their rose hips in tea. (They grow in my garden and the deer love them too!)
One cup of rose-hips tea has more whole-food vitamin C in it than a whole bag of California oranges that have been sprayed, picked, stored and gassed to make them turn orange. Most recently, I have been using powdered rose hips found at my local health-food store. It is very versatile and a wonderful cell food. It mixes easily into a fruit salad, fresh juices and smoothies, and apricot-coconut-nut balls. Be creative and enjoy roses all year long!