Harmonizing with Spirit & Nature through Dance

David Christopher Lewis
September-October 2019 • Vol 3, No 106

PANEURHYTHMY is a sacred dance form created by the master Peter Deunov who lived in Bulgaria from 1864 to 1944. He was an inspired teacher of the Perennial Wisdom and embodied both great simplicity and tremendous profoundness and inspired excellence in everyone around him. He taught the art of living in harmony with others, nature and the divine.

Peter Deunov was also a gifted musician who composed the music and the steps for the Paneurhythmy or spiritual exercises, as they are sometimes called. This sacred movement is danced in the valleys of the Rila Mountains in Bulgaria between the Spring and Autumn Equinoxes. Every summer, thousands of people travel to the Seven Lakes in the Rila Mountains to perform Paneurhythmy and to enjoy the beautiful mountains. It is also practiced in many other countries throughout the world: Argentina, Australia, Bulgaria, Canada, Costa Rica, Great Britain, Ireland, France, Germany, Mexico, Philippines, Russia and the United States of America.

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