WELLNESS: It’s Never Too Late

Mary Loveless
November – December 2022 • Vol 4, No 1

Myofascial Release (MFR) and Yoga complement each other in so many ways. Both are for wellness and to increase balance to the body.

Myofascial Release is more specific to addressing dysfunctions of the soft tissue, such as injury, trauma and scar tissue. When practiced together, I have seen amazing results for clients.

One advantage is there are many Yoga studios and options to choose from—group settings, chair Yoga, and beginner-to-advanced levels. Regardless of the direction one takes to achieve wellness, improving one’s range of motion is always beneficial.

I see many clients who complain they have been very tight most of their lives and don’t feel that change is possible for them. The example I share with them is that we all gain weight and lose weight, women get pregnant and then return to their previous shape.

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