The Master Key to a Better Relationship with One’s Self and Others

Christopher Rudy, Meta-Physician
November – December 2024 • Vol 4, No 13

Let’s get REAL, folks! Witness the conscious evolution revolution known as ‘Revelations.’ I’ll go into this with some background as context for a unique self-realization process of conscious ascent with  L.O.V.E.  Language.

The process of global transformation is as profound today as it was at the time of the American Revolution. Humanity has evolved from the horse and buggy speed of transportation and communication to the instant-everywhere and interactive Internet revolution—The Great Awakening—that is leading to the Aquarian Quantum Age of Great Enlightenment.

We are in a deep shift from historical patriarchal ownership and control values to Aquarian virtues of cooperative commUNITY in diversity.

“It is strangely absurd to suppose that a million people, collected together,
are not under the same moral laws that bind them separately.”

~ Thomas Jefferson, 1816

The difference today is that there are billions of global Netizens, and it’s more like rEVOLUTION, emphasizing 90% of the word. The instant interaction capabilities of the Internet are transforming everything at an accelerated rate in spite of overt attempts to censor politically incorrect truth-telling.

This is the signature dynamic of the quantum shift from prevailing 3D reality to the very REAL unified field of emerging Aquarian frequencies of 4D => 5D+.

A new “unity in diversity” (E. Pluribus Unum on the U.S. Great Seal), is rapidly morphing the matrix of REALITY with general enlightenment of ‘US’ as United Sovereigns of Earth.

“Enlighten the people generally, and tyranny and oppressions of body and mind
will vanish like evil spirits at the dawn of day.”

~ Thomas Jefferson, 1816

This process begins with each one—atONEment. As goes the individual in this process, so goes the family, community, and civilization at large. It’s ALL connected in our new quantum reality.

This is the hero’s journey—the archetypal path of conscious evolution revelations as one leaves ‘home’ (5D+ Source), to experience the 3D world with great challenges and opportunity ‘just in time’ (4D), before returning to ‘Source’ (home), with great fanfare.

It was Thomas Paine’s COMMON SENSE that quickened the Spirit of Freedom which sparked the American Revolution… and our collective hero’s journey since then.

“We the People” (worldwide), are now facing the final challenge to our collective freedom and opportunity. Witness THE CRISIS as the Great Awakening rumbles and the Deep State crumbles.

Common Sense Is Becoming More Common!

Change is often called the only permanent condition. But if you haven’t noticed, since it has been gradual, the rate of change has been accelerating to O-point: The S