Based on Physical Integrity
Crystal Maceira, CBP, LMT, MH
March – April 2021 • Vol 3, No 114
I hope you’ve been following the series about Iridology here in Natural Life and News Directory. If not, you may want to go to the archives and read the previous three articles to help you get a good understanding of the basics of this ever-evolving subject. So far, I have covered the main iris constitutions and subtypes of the main iris types based on color. This time, we’re going to talk about the iris types based on physical integrity, which means the structure of the iris.
The constitutional strength shown in the iris will also show how well the body holds up under stress. When the iris fibers are tight and evenly distributed, then the body has a strong and vital genetic heritage. It can resist illness and disease, recovering quickly. Each person’s iris can have various degrees of fiber density. The looser the fiber, the weaker the constitution, and the ability for the body to ward off disease or recover quickly. When there is a flower with petal-like openings or separated trabeculae in the iris, this is when the iridologist can determine where they are located. If the iris is murky, with a dull overcast, causing the true iris color to not come through, it means that there are toxic settlements in the body on a systemic level that are all-pervasive.