Recipe: Quick & Easy Vegan Mineral Broth
Marlenea La Shomb, N.D., LMT
Jan – Feb 2022 • Vol 3, No 119
Dear Dr. Ma,
I was told I need more minerals, but the tablets recommended constipate me. What are my options?
— Susan
Dear Susan,
Great question! I was just reading the other day a statement that struck me funny: “If we could get all our minerals from the earth’s crust, we would have eaten it away to nothing.” Yet, as you are experiencing, our bodies don’t digest and process minerals straight. All plants, whether growing in the sea or on land, are made to do this job for us. Simply put, the roots pull the minerals out of the soil, we eat the plants, and receive the benefits of easily digested, assimilated, utilized, and eliminated minerals. Whole-food minerals, or balanced mineral salts, as they are called in the body, are needed in every interaction and process in our body’s systems.