The Body’s Power to Heal Itself

Elaine Rylin
July – August 2021 • Vol 3, No 116

Excerpts from The Essiac Report: Canada’s Remarkable Unknown Cancer Remedy

“Chemotherapy and radiation are, for the most part, indiscriminate killers. Skeptics conclude that, in most cases, these “therapies” are no better and sometimes much worse than the actual disease.

An alternative is the Native-American formula for Essiac Tea that consists of 4 or 5 herbs (see their descriptions below). It’s a simple, inexpensive, highly effective and natural approach that has no side effects and is available to everyone. For over a century, detoxification programs using this tea have restored health to thousands of cancer victims.

Rene M. Caisse, RN (1889–1978) was the Canadian nurse responsible for Essiac being used as treatment for cancer; although, it was never made legal in her lifetime. At age 33 in 1922, Caisse was the head nurse at a hospital in Ontario, Canada. A patient revealed to her she had discovered large, hard masses in her breast. Cassie and her husband were camped by some Ojibwa Indians, and their medicine man said that he had a remedy—“a holy drink that would purify the body and put it back in balance with the Great Spirit.”

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