New Paradigms for Healing Post-Traumatic Stress
Denis Ouellette

Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder is seen most dramatically in soldiers returning from war, but is prevalent also on the home front and among all people, to some degree, who have experienced physical or emotional pain in their lives. The trauma does not need to stay locked in the body. It can be resolved through natural therapies, explained here.
“I feel like people with my symptoms are becoming the majority of the Army.
Feeling anxious when you don’t have to, being depressed and unable
to enjoy things, not sleeping well—this is the new normal for those of us
who’ve been repeatedly deployed.”
Army major who started taking antidepressants and sleep meds
after his 2nd tour in Iraq. —New York Magazine
What Is PTSD?
Typical PTSD Symptoms
Dr. Peter A. Levine’s Pioneering Work
The Hopi Nation
Dustin Fox’s Testimonial
“Wounded Warriors” by Colin P. Sisson
Switzerland’s Dr. Joy Manné
Michael Grant White, Founder of
Are Drugs the Answer?
Natural Therapies for PTSD
Life-Force Energy
About the Author
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