Are Psychiatric Drugs Causing Mass Shootings?
Selwyn Duke
March–April 2018 • Vol 3, No 97
EDITOR: As our hearts break again in mourning for the young lives lost, and as we search for answers and causes for this ongoing tragedy, I use this platform to address a little-discussed and yet important factor in the country’s mass shootings. This is an abridged version of a balanced article published on February 17th, 2018, which can be read in full at
While mass killers generally have guns in their hands, another commonality is that they often have psychiatric drugs in their blood. The difference, though, is that it isn’t guns that have the side effect of “homicidal ideation.” The Parkland, Florida, shooter who murdered 17 on Valentine’s Day was on medication for emotional issues, his aunt related. This is now a familiar story…