How to Change Your Mood and Skip the Food!

Marlenea La Shomb, ND, LMT
March – April 2021 • Vol 3, No 114

“What?” you say, “How can food be mood? That’s rude!” Well, ask yourself this question: “Do I crave different foods depending on my mood?” Most of us would answer, “Oh, yeah.” So how does that work? Let me remind you that we are sunlight-activated, chemical/hormonal, and electrical beings!

The chemistry of food interacts with our body’s chemistry, its thoughts and feelings. Emotions activate different hormones. When you eat a banana, you don’t become the banana—the banana becomes you. This is the job of the liver. Keep in mind that food is much more than nutrients, fiber and protein—all the things we normally hear about. It provides life- and light-giving energy. I like the feeling of being light on my feet. I choose to eat a heavy meal when I’m ready to roll over and have a siesta! My grandson used to call it a food coma.

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