The Decay-Resistant Element

Marlenea La Shomb, N.D., LMT
July-August 2019 • Vol 3, No 105

Fluorine is especially important today because so much food is cooked, thereby destroying this element. It is water-soluble, but easily lost, called an unstable element. At the moment that heat hits the fluorine in food, it is lost to the air. The hightest sources are sea vegetables and black bass, but who is going to eat raw black bass? Gotta learn to love those sea vegetables—nori rolls, anyone? (See article on Sea Vegetables in a previous issue archived at

Note that the fluorine spoken of here is NOT the unevolved chemical that is added to some cities’ drinking water—fluoride—also found in toothpastes
and other products, but an important element evolved to a higher level of vibration through the plant kingdom. It is available to us in raw foods, which can ideally be 60% of our diets. (When vegetables are cooked, it’s always better to use low heat or light steaming.)

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