From Natural-Health Pioneer Dr. Rashid Buttar
Marlenea La Shomb, ND, LMT
November-December 2020 • Vol 3, No 112
Dr. Rashid Buttar is a best-selling author and a natural-health activist. He ranks among the top-50 doctors in the U.S. and has treated thousands of patients with life-threatening conditions in over 92 countries. He is the creator of the medical-assessment program called, “The Map to Get AHEAD™” (see page two), which stands for “Advanced Health Evaluation and Assessment for Detoxification.”
As the first steps toward wellness, he recommends these five simple lifestyle habits. He assures us that they will produce improved sleep, increased energy, and better bowel movements, while enhancing focus, concentration and an overall sense of well-being—all in 30 days. These steps are part of what I’ve been recommending in my practice and in my articles in this magazine for years. Why not give these simple changes a try and see what they will do for you?
Move your body every day. Start walking, if nothing else, and increase your time/steps every day. Goal is to walk 2-to-2.5 miles a day.