from Summer to Autumn

Michel Lewis, CFSP
September – October 2024 • Vol 4, No 12

As summer makes its perennial transition to autumn, we are compelled by nature to go increasingly inward. The yang, active energy of summer, which is actually at its highest peak on Summer Solstice, has been gradually decreasing to make way for greater yin energy.

All the fullness and abundance of nature we experienced in spring and summer is decreasing as nature prepares to return to the earth and rest. This is the perfect time to begin returning our attention to our own “earth.” By cultivating our inside space to be a haven for our soul and spirit, we can create good qi in our home and business environments.

There are many fun and creative ways to increase positive energy and bring greater harmony and peace to our homes and ourselves. Why not try listening to a new type of music? Numerous studies have shown that various types of music have very distinct effects on our bodies and moods. Peaceful, calm music can have an enormous impact on how we feel and respond to our environment.

Both Chinese and Native American flute have a gentle way of directing our attention inward. Do you prefer stringed instruments? The harp is wonderful for opening and expanding the spiritual heart. All instruments can be vehicles for helping us to calm down—the key is to choose music that has an energy of harmony and balance.

Art is another fantastic way to increase good qi. The important concept to understand with any type of art is that it is visual—what we lay our eyes on and put our attention upon is what we bring into our homes and allow into our consciousness. With that in mind, have some fun and try some new art on your walls.

Another way to improve the energy of your space is through fragrance. One of the best ways is with fresh cut flowers, but this can get pricey in the fall and winter. Try using essential oils. These provide fragrance in one of its purest forms and are fantastic at clearing spaces and lifting mood. Different oils have different effects. Peppermint is stimulating (and good for digestion), while lavender is very calming.

There are numerous books available that outline what different types of effects can be achieved with scent. You can also research any type of fragrance on the Internet to find exactly what you’re looking for in essence and effect. High-quality incense is also wonderful for transforming stagnant air, and it’s available in numerous varieties.

How a room is arranged has a direct impact on the energy it creates and how it makes you feel. With cooler weather coming, try making things cozier by moving seating a little closer together. Softer lighting can also create a sense of warmth.

For more ideas, a trained Feng Shui consultant can assist you in making your home an indoor shelter of good energy, helping you make a smooth transition from summer to autumn!

Trained in China and the US, Michele Lewis is a Certified Feng Shui Consultant and has been a Feng Shui professional since 1998. She is available for consultations on-site or via phone. By using the timeless principles of the art and science of Feng Shui, Michele can help you bring balance and beauty to every aspect of your life. She is also a Certified Qigong Instructor of Ling Gui Healing Qigong School, Liu Dong’s Method. Michele Lewis can be reached at 406-224-0803, or at