Q&A with Ahmad Jones
Kevin Raphael Fitch
November – December 2024 • Vol 4, No 13
“Hi, Ahmad, my name is James, from Butte. What are we seeing in America now?”
Ahmad Jones: “Very complex currents.”
Question: “You mean currents as in astrological, right?”
Ahmad Jones: “Yes, including astronomic events. The pressure of these streams is behind the present manifested chaos. The times are indeed exceptional. Erratic is the compass needle of the ship of state. Twilight is being lifted as a new America quickly approaches with the dawn. The unraveling and reorganization of established government policies around the world is occurring, too. Many do not recognize the old landmarks, which provided a sense of direction for various ships of state. The needle is irresolute. Seemingly indecisive.
Question: “Ahmad, I am Nkazimulo, from Billings. I noticed that the U.S. government chart has Virgo rising at seven degrees and 32 minutes. President Trump’s progressed Sun is now at seven Virgo and 48 minutes. His Sun now resides on the U.S. government Ascendant and will be in that house for the rest of his life. What, ugh, do you have to say about that?”
Ahmad Jones: “What an observation this is, Nkazimulo! It conveys much. Trump’s progressed Moon is about eight minutes away from a sextile to the U.S. government Ascendant. And almost a year ago, his progressed Ascendant moved into zero Scorpio, the sign of Vice President Harris’ natal Mercury, which, in addition to Venus, rules debates. This partly explains Harris’ emergence as Trump’s opponent.
“Now, on 5 November, Election Day, Trump’s progressed Ascendant will be at one Scorpio, one minute. Harris’ Mercury is one Scorpio, 27 minutes. Both Harris’ Mercury and Trump’s progressed Ascendant will oppose U.S. natal Venus, which is the major indicator of the economy. By resonance, both Trump’s progressed Ascendant and Harris’ natal Mercury are together. This explains something about their matchup…
“Light, Astrology and the Future of America” is available HERE on November 6 in digital and softcover formats.
Kevin D Raphael Fitch, is a writer, philosopher, novelist, and professional astrologer. He currently lives in Livingston, MT.