Be Creatively Colorful and Simply Enjoy
Marlenea La Shomb, N.D., LMT
Mar – Apr 2022 • Vol 3, No 120
Dear Dr. Ma,
I am so confused about what to eat or what NOT to eat. Please help!
— Kathy
Dear Kathy,
Keep it simple! Eat the colors of the rainbow. Each color has something unique to feed your body, mentally and emotionally, as well as physically. What this looks like is all your whole-food fruits and vegetables and all the greens, with nuts, seeds and legumes (if your body can handle them).
Fresh is best. Dried is great. You can just rehydrate them to put the water back in. Frozen works. You can use any process without heat to seasonally preserve your food for year-round use. If it comes out of your garden, or can be sprouted on your windowsill, or comes from your neighbor’s bush or tree, it’s real food.