In Principal, It’s Simple Enough…

Christopher Rudy, Meta-Physician
September – October 2024 • Vol 4, No 12

When we consider that the Great Awakening of many souls was ordained for this time, it gives depth of meaning to the Aquarian Frequency Shift—a vibrational shift into higher consciousness. Those who have awakened will soon become aware of the price of soul soaring with a free spirit above the fray…

“The higher we soar, the smaller we appear to those who cannot fly.”
~ Friedrich Nietzsche

Keep in mind that it’s not aptitude but attitude that determines ‘altitude’—whether we soar with eagles on thermals of grace or scratch with turkeys on bug of begrudge. It’s the Aquarian high state that makes us kind, rather than the old-world order’s “eye-for-an-eye,” which makes us blind.

Global civilization is now facing a crisis in consciousness that requires we come up higher in Aquarian principles and processes. All social problems are—at core—communication problems; how we “Come into Unity” for REAL community with shared vision and mission… or not so much. Either we unite through modern communication capabilities for providing well-formed choice—at the heart of REAL community—or we suffer the degeneration of divisive media as censures any truth which counters the official narrative. In practice, the solution is to mindfully connect the dots to the big picture along more enlightened ‘lines’ of  L.O.V.E. … in form and frequency.

The battle for the soul of the Republic is heating up… The corporatocracy has hijacked democracy; the “lamestream media” is lying to us incessantly; the “safe and effective” vax has proven deadly; insane Gaza genocide mirrors the holocaust; the US border invasion continues unabated; artificial intelligence is replacing the real thing; the Deep State is ramping up Monkeypox Mania.

“Awareness is the awakening of the soul… it’s a vibrational shift into higher consciousness.”

This is the global healing crisis that compels holistic solutions… Either we wake up, wise up and rise up with communication tools and processes for real community and global unity—or the Power of L.O.V.E. is not harnessed, and civilization will reap the whirl-wind of dystopian “dis-ease” and self-destruction.

The Collective Pain of Planetary Rebirth… We’re getting squeezed through the birth canal! Global civilization is today much like a baby in the process of being born through the birth canal—extraordinary compression and overwhelming depression from the pain of being squeezed senseless by mainstream craziness. Yes, we’re all being squeezed insensate by official ‘woke’ policies that are not just biologically incorrect, but also mentally impaired, and spiritually bankrupt. The world as we have known it is changing so fast and it’s intended to be mind-numbing and paradigm-narrowing.

“Having an independent nature will irritate those who have lost their identity to the illusion
of control. Your free spirit reminds them of how heavy they feel. Don’t get weighed down
by the opinions of others. Fly free and just