The Secret Keys to Transmutation

Marlenea La Shomb, ND
November-December 2018 • Vol 3, No 101

Every now and again, I read something and I think—my thoughts exactly! That’s how I felt when I read the words of Dr. Wilhelm Schüssler, founder of Biochemic Medicine, regarding the twelve cell-food salt remedies: “The sick might be healed with substances that are natural!” [See my Natural Life article from the previous issue on Facial Diagnosis of Cell Salt Deficiencies, now archived at] This is an introduction to those cell-food salts, which are still almost a secret among those who are seeking better health.

Dr. Schüssler went on to say: “A connective base and bone-earth are central constituents of bone, such as are found in calcium salts. There can be no cartilage without cartilage salts, nor blood without iron salts, nor salines without potassium-chloride (Kali mur) cell-food salts.” He created Biochemic Medicine, from which we now have “biochemistry,” a term formed from “bios,” the Greek word for life, and “chemistry,” which Webster defines as “that branch of science that treats the composition of substances and the changes that they undergo.”

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