Integral Breathwork™ Seminars with Denis Ouellette
Optimal Breathing® Specialist • 30 Years Experience
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Flyer for Breathwork in Livingston, MT • Saturday, October 12, 2024 • 1–6 pm
NCBTMB Approved Provider for 5.5 Continuing Education hours.
6-Page Seminar Info Packet (Seminar Is Open to the Public)
Letter to Health Providers (About Breathwork Facilitator Training)
The Emergence Yoga and Movement Center in Bozeman is closing its doors at the end of September. (Their rent doubled!!)
We’re moving the Integral Breathwork Seminar one day earlier, to Saturday, October 12th, and the new location is in Livingston (at the Movement Collaborative off Park Street). Note that we’re starting at 1 pm instead of 12:30 to make the length of time more manageable for people.
ALSO note, an email will go out shortly offering HALF TIME and HALF PRICE to those who are repeaters of this seminar. If people don’t want or need to repeat the first half of the seminar (breathing assessments and physiology, etc.), and wish to participate in the transformational breathwork session, they can come from 3:30 to 6 pm and pay only $30. More on that later.
Thanks to all.
Hope to see you there!
Contact me to organize a seminar in your city!
I’ve held the half-day seminar in every major city in Montana, including Billings, Missoula, Bozeman and Belgrade, Butte, Helena, Great Falls, Havre, Livingston and Kalispell. I’ve also traveled to Pocatello, ID, Cody, WY, and into North and South Dakota. I’ve held larger, weekend events on the East Coast and several times in Montreal, Canada.
I am an NCBTMB Approved Provider offering CEU hours for these seminars, often adding a segment to train bodyworkers on how to incorporate more breathwork into massage and all kinds of healing work.
Private sessions available in the Livingston/Bozeman area.
Also offering private bodywork therapy sessions (25+ years experience).
Contact me for arrangements at (406) 333-4103, or send me an email here. https://www.naturallifenews.com/contact/
Click here to read a newspaper article on one of Denis’ recent seminars held in Minot, North Dakota.
What is Integral Breathwork™?
A “New World Paradigm” for the art, science and practice of Breathwork. E