Its Indigenous People Have Always Depended on Healing Plants
Maria Low
November – December 2021 • Vol 3, No 118
I would like to share some adventures with you from my recent trip to Ecuador. The country of Ecuador is about the size of Nevada. Ecuador is a country of mountains, hills and valleys. I first traveled to Quito, the capital city, and took a taxi ride about 1 1/2 hours to a valley. This is where the small city of Cotacachi is nestled between two mountains.
I stayed with a friend who offered me the local foods grown in the valley and those that grow along the side of the mountains. Eating the local food planted in volcanic soil was a very enlightening experience for me. My diet at home consists of a variety of organic traditional foods, so I did not expect to feel a real change. However, the change was notable! I can still feel the strength of the nutrients from those daily foods.