An Astrological Look at the President’s Son
Jean Hart
March-April 2017 • Vol 3, No 91
It’s a bouncing baby boy! Yes, Barron Trump was bouncing when he was born. Uranus on his ascendant (rules his physical body) can make him jittery and seem like he can’t be still. Tall and lanky now at 10 years old, he has that Aquarian bounce when he walks. He also carries that awkward shyness that is the trait of a young boy with a 29-critical-degree decan, which puts Libra as the backdrop of that Aquarius on his ascendant. He will be a busy boy.
He is cute now and truly is going to be handsome, charming, restless, and always on the move when older. He is still just a boy, however, and I hope the media gets that and leaves him alone, because his chart shows he is very sensitive.