Feng Shui Tips for Children
Michele Lewis, CFSP
September-October 2020 • Vol 3, No 111
It’s back to school… whether online or on campus, (or both!) and a great time to take advantage of your kids’ excitement and anticipation about starting the year in a new grade. With all of the upheaval from the virus, it will be even more important to provide a comfortable and safe space for them.
I’ve always found it interesting that the area of the bagua that is associated with children and creativity is also the area associated with autumn, traditionally the time most kids are already settled back in school and preparing for the year ahead. The west area of the bagua is ruled by the I Ching trigram tui. Its attributes are joyfulness and pleasure (as in enjoyment in one’s activities), and support that nurtures and inspires. What a fantastic description of what a parent would want to do for their child!
All children—including our own “inner child”—shine with plentiful doses of encouragement and loving direction. To enhance the west area, you can use the color white, the element metal, and any artwork depicting children at their best. Artwork created by a child (or your inner child) is perfect here, as it has the qi of a child within it and honors their creativity.