To Self-Assess, to Reflect, and to Set New Intentions

Catherine Nelson, Ph.D.
Nov – Dec 2021 • Vol 3, No 118

We are coming to the end of 2021. Another year of our life on planet Earth is ending. This year has been challenging in many ways. There were the forest fires with the devastation of our beloved lands and wilderness. There were the heavy layers of smoke filling our skies day after day. There were the days of excessive heat in our summer season. There were and are the drought conditions creating a loss of crops for farmers and the inability of ranchers to feed their cattle. And then there was Covid and all the problems in our communities around vaccinations. Goodbye to 2021!

But what is coming in 2022? Will things get better or worse? Will there be more forest fires? Will we get the water we need for the crops, for the animals, for the wild lands, for the vitality of our soil, even water for us to drink? Will there be another Covid variant? What else could possibly happen?

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