New World, New You

Marlenea La Shomb, N.D., LMT
January-February 2020 • Vol 3, No 108

I used to think that I am just one drop in the cosmic ocean of life. It has always amazed me as to how my fellow man could make a statement and impact worldwide, when it seemed like all I could do was just keep up with my own back yard and its daily responsibilities. We all face the challenge of balancing our inner spiritual life with the outer—education, raising our families, careers/jobs, fun and play, which can seem all consuming.

Until… very recently, I found my 20/20 vision for heaven on earth. Here’s how it works. And yes, it does start right in our own back yards. One cosmic drop of the ocean (you) and one drop (me), we collectively make up the powerful impact of that ocean and our earth.

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