Numerological Significance of 2020
Barbara Michael-Grover
January-February 2020 • Vol 3, No 108
Tempus fugit! Here we are in 2020! Seems like yesterday we were all anxious about the turning of the century into a new millennium (2000 and beyond). For example, we were anxious about the possible “Y2K crisis.” Some believed computes would crash. As it turned out, that was a “tempest in a teapot.” But, by contrast, the traumatic events of 9/11 have changed our world and taken away some of our personal freedoms as a result.
We all wondered, especially Numerologists and Astrologers, how the coming millennial years’ events would turn out. Now, 20 years later in retrospect, we see the unfolding of events, both individually and globally. The archetypical energy themes played out year-by-year have been dramatic and earth-changing, with political upheaval, mass immigration throughout the world, financial collapse, and huge divisions in public opinion, sometimes orchestrated by mass media, have polarized families, acquaintances, communities, and nations.