What Would Love See Here?
Jennifer Butler, Clinical Psychologist
How do we get to that place of seeing with the eyes of love, feeling with a heart of love, and thinking with a mind of love? Have you heard of spiritual intelligence? You may already possess it. One way to define spiritual intelligence is the ability to act with wisdom and compassion while maintaining inner peace, regardless of the demanding situation occurring in the moment. Innate within the soul is a longing to be connected to something larger than ourselves, a connecting to something sacred, divine, and noble. The actualization of this longing can be said to be the attaining of spiritual intelligence.

Essential for Women’s Health:
Crystal Maceira, CBP, LMT, MH
Iodine is a mineral that plays an essential role in women’s health. It is a vital micronutrient for all stages of life, including fetal development and early childhood. Iodine is metabolized in the human body through a series of stages involving the hypothalamus, pituitary, thyroid gland and blood. Despite being present in only small amounts, iodine is crucial for the proper functioning of the thyroid gland, which regulates hormones that control metabolism, growth, and development. In this article, we will explore why iodine is so important for women’s wellbeing and how you can ensure you are getting enough of it in your diet.

A Long and Loving Life
Catherine Nelson, Ph.D.
Two young brothers, Ben and Tom, were separated at an early age. Ben was four and Tom was two when their mother died. Their father did not feel he could care for his children, and he knew his wife had relatives in two nearby towns. The father gave Ben to relatives in a town called Elmwood. Tom was placed with relatives in Linville, across the river. The father had struggled to earn a living for his family, and he believed they would have a better life with the relatives. The towns almost looked alike at this time, but they were different in significant ways socially. The only way to get across the river was by boat…